Climate change is an increasing worry and discussion we can no longer ignore. We can empower ourselves by making informed decisions in what we purchase. Electric Cars and electric car chargers are an excellent option to reduce your carbon footprint and with electric cars becoming cheaper and more accessible, now is a good time to consider owning an electric car. In our business history, Near Me Electrician installed one of the first electric car chargers in Toronto Area (GTA) in 2012. We installed 2-3 chargers that year. Fast forward to today: we are installing 3-4 electric car chargers A WEEK in the greater Toronto Area (GTA). Speaking to the different homeowners we have installed the chargers for we have found 3 main reasons they have decided to go from gas to electric and here is why you should too!
Electric cars help fight climate change especially in Quebec
There seems to be some skepticism in the environmental impact of electric cars. While there are no emissions from the car there is emissions from the chimney of the nearest power generating station but lucky for us we live in Quebec. Quebec’s electricity supply is one of the most eco friendly in the world. Over 90 % of our energy is derived from water. Creating energy from water is clean and does not damage the environment.
At the time of writing this article federal environment commissioner Julie Gelfand has warned that “Canada is not doing enough to reduce greenhouse gas emissions despite mounting evidence that the country is vulnerable to rapid warming”. It can be hard to HEAR this type of news, because it can cause a sense of helplessness in feeling like we can make a difference. However small decisions add up to big changes. Choosing an electric car is not only beneficial to your household budget but to the climate policy makers as well. Here are some other ways electric cars help us save the environment
● They also have less noise so less noise pollution
● While manufacturing an electric car takes more resources than a conventional gas powered
car, research has indicated that this is offset by the savings in emissions
● Electric cars are more efficient converting approximately 60% of their electrical energy to
power the vehicle whereas gas powered vehicles only convert approximately 20%
● Electric cars have better fuel efficiency then gas-powered vehicles
Electric Cars Save you Money $$$$ especially in Quebec!